The pandemic brought a clear effect to many things today, including real estate stock.
The pandemic brought a clear effect to many things today, including real estate stock. Vassilis Milionis, a property expert, said the real estate stock has a different situation and is very fluctuating today. This unstable condition even happened to the top company stocks. One of the best examples of this condition is the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) of Pebblebrook Hotels’ condition. Its stock value increased to almost 20 percent on June 5th. However, at the end of the month, the value falls significantly way below the expectation.
That condition makes anyone who plans to invest in real estate stock need to be extra careful when choosing the REITs they want to buy. However, Vasilis Milionis has three recommendations for the safest REIT now.
American Tower (NYSE: AMT)
The first one is the American Tower (NYSE: AMT). This is the largest REIT that has been released to the public for the real estate category. As its name implied, this REIT is dealing with the tower for communication purposes. Even though it has been released for a long time, it still has so many rooms to grow. Moreover, the new internet technology, the 5G technology, will be implemented soon. It will need the American Tower part to succeed in the plan.
Easterly Government Properties (NYSE: DEA)
This company shows significant movement to improve its business. One of them is its success in acquiring and redeveloping the FBI field office in Mobile, Alabama. The 76,112 square-foot fields have become one of the crown jewels of this company’s history. Furthermore, it also promises a lucrative dividend for its stockholder with $0.26 per share every quarter. This company stock also keeps in the high position with the highest peak at $29.70, and the lowest peak, earlier this month, was $21.43.
Innovative Industrial Properties (NYSE: IIPR)
IIPR has a unique work system, where it deals with lease and rent of facilities for medical-use marijuana production. With 63 properties in 16 states, this company has a better chance to survive in future competition. Furthermore, this company’s stock value also increases by 30% in November, which is a good sign that everyone who wants to invest needs to notice.
In Conclusion
The real estate market stocks could be falling. However, with those three REITs based on Milionis’s recommendation, they will become a good investment for the future. Moreover, they also have the lowest risk of financial problems as their service will be needed.